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My Guitar Awards:


Electric Guitar Grade 1 - Distinction (Winter 2009)                                 

Electric Guitar Grade 5 - Distinction (Spring 2011)                                

Electric Guitar Grade 7 - Distinction (Autumn 2012)

Bassaleg School Eisteddfod (Strings Competition):

  • Year 8 - 1st Place

  • Year 9 - 1st Place

GCSE Music Performance Exam - Full Marks (2013)

GCSE Music Overall Grade - B

AS Level Music Performance Exam - Full Marks (2014)

A2 Level Music Performance Exam - Full Marks (2015)

A Level Music Overall Grade - B


How I Am Where I Am 


I started playing guitar at age 12, and completed my Grade 1 on Electric Guitar just six months after my first official lesson, acquiring a distinction. It was after this that I entered my first competition - the year 8 school Eisteddfod. I came first in my event. Due to performing in front of 300 of my peers at a young age, I gained confidence in performing. Just under a year later I did my Grade 5 exam, again completing the award with a Distinction; and again I entered the school Eisteddfod (year 9 this time). I won the competition for the second year in a row with a rendition of Eddie Van Halen's "Eruption". At this point I devoted more time with my tutor going over musical theory, developing my understanding of what music can do. It was with this new knowledge that I was able to enter myself for my Grade 7 Guitar exam, just a year and a half after my Grade 5. In this exam I had to perform virtuosic pieces from Metallica, Pantera and more notably Led Zeppelin.

Continuing my streak of success with the exams, I attained another Distinction. I then stopped spending time on Grade Exams in order to focus on my GCSE Performing exam which involved a solo performance and an ensemble performance; both of which I had full marks in. A year down the road and my AS Level Music Performance exam presented itself, which required over 8 minutes of playing - in which I also amassed full marks. However, in between these exams I started publically performing with a Jazz Band, playing in numerous ceremonies. I also performed with the Bassaleg Senior Choir, playing Bohemian Rhapsody in place of Brian May. After all these events, I joined the Jazz Band on a tour of Holland and Germany. Playing a jazzed up version of Hey Jude in Maastricht is an experience that will not be forgotten. 

The end of that summer marked the return to school and the continuation with my A Level in Music. I chose Performing as my Area of Speciality, meaning I would need to play over 15 minutes of Grade 6 and above standard music - I selected Stairway to Heaven, Medusa (A heavy metal song - a broad programme was needed) and Super Massive Black Hole. The first two can be found if you click the button at the top of the page! For what would be my last performing exam I received full marks, resulting in an overall B grade for my Music A Level.


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