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What to expect 

Learn Comfortably


"There's no place like home", this rule certainly applies to learning an instrument. Depending on availability, I would enable you the ability to learn guitar from your own house! This allows more flexibility for you too, so you aren't restricted by lifts etc.

Learn How You Want


Obviously, the starting point is the same for everyone - the basic chords, but once the basics are learnt, you can go in whatever direction you wish! I am willing to teach whatever style you want - from jazz to metal - I've got you covered. 

The Future Sounds Good


There is nothing better than learning a recognisable tune on an instrument and seeing your parents/friends reaction when they hear you - music offers you an outlet to tap in to your creative side and gives you an excuse to show off!

About Me


I have played guitar since a young age, gaining high musical qualifications along the way. I have performed many times infront of large crowds; and even toured Europe playing guitar in a Jazz Band.  Click here to find out more!

 Jordan Stevens 

I’d love to hear from you!

Cardiff, South Wales |

Tel: 07388899043

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Please contact me using the provided Message Box to check availability. Spaces are limited and I operate on a first come, first serve basis.

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110 Empire Way

Cardiff Pointe


CF11 0JW

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